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The Fritzwalden Legacy

Esta página foi vista 27 vezes desde 15/04/2024

The Awakening

Por: Leonardo Pinheiro

In "The Awakening," the sleepy coastal town of Harborview hides ancient, magical secrets. When Oliver Fritzwalden, an ordinary teenager, discovers his legacy as a descendant of the powerful Fritzwalden family, he finds himself caught up in a world surrounded by tragedy and mystery.

The plot unfolds around Oliver's growth and when a supernatural event triggers the awakening of the latent magical powers of the descendants of the founding families. Oliver, along with the other nine teens, discovers that they are part of a magic circle meant to protect Harborview from an ancient threat that has resurfaced.

Harborview is a town full of mysteries, where everything happens and no one seems to notice. Where magic exists for some and where everyday life is full of adventures and unexpected events.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 34,86

Tema: Romance, Fantasia, Contos De Fadas, Folclore E Mitologia, Seitas e Heresias, Jovens e Adolescentes, Ficção Palavras-chave: drama, magic, mysthery, mythology, romance, teen

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