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The Presence of God

Reformed Publisher Sion

Por: Erica Silva e Max Salgado

The Presence of God

Original Portuguese Edition © 2017

All rights reserved.

Authors: Erica Silva and Max salgado

ISBN 978-85-5697-345-0

All rights reserved. It is prohibited to

Reproduction of this edition in part or in whole without the permission of the authors.

Printed in Brazil.

Unction and Legacy Ministry

Reformed Publisher Sion

Authors' Club.

Rio de Janeiro - RJ.


“I was once asked; what is missing in our Cults?

in fact, I said; only one thing is missing; God's presence!

If God were in our services they would be totally different

of how they have been, miracles would happen, our services are only weak because God doesn’t

is in many of them, have you ever been to a service where God really is?

People would cry and ask God for forgiveness because they are walking to hell with big steps, they would leave sad because they would discover their real situation, they would not go to the restaurant or cafeteria to eat something, they would run home and double their on your knees and cry. ”


The fire must burn!

The fire of the Holy Spirit needs to burn in our lives, we are frozen by religiosity, we are cold by the lack of God, see our services, people come and go and nothing happens, because God was not there, the presence of God did not come, and because did not come?

He did not come because we are not worthy of him, and we need to make our lives right, we need to ask for forgiveness and cry until he moves us from our weakness, until the Lord forgives us from our impurity.

We need to stay more locked in our rooms, we need to review our lives, we need to sweep the house and get the dirt out of our hearts, let God work.

R$ 40,07

Ebook (epub)
R$ 21,98


Número de páginas: 106
Edição: 8(2020)
Formato: A5 148x210
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Polen

Livros com menos de 70 páginas são grampeados; livros com 70 ou mais páginas tem lombada quadrada; livros com 80 ou mais páginas tem texto na lombada.

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