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Figure Drawing for All It's Worth

Esta página foi vista 385 vezes desde 29/04/2021

Por: Andrew Loomis

Andrew Loomis (1892-1959) is revered amongst artists - including comics superstar Alex Ross - for his mastery of drawing. His first book, Fun With a Pencil, published in 1939 is a wonderfully crafted and engaging introduction to drawing, cartooning, and capturing the essence of a subject all while having fun. With delightful step-by-step instruction from Professor Blook, Loomis's charming alter ego on the page. Andrew Loomis was born in 1892. After studying art he moved to Chicago, eventually opening his own studio, working in editorial and advertising for most of the top clients at the time including Kellogg's, Coca Cola, Lucky Strike and more. He also became renowned as an art teacher and his instructional books on realist illustration and art are acclaimed classics in the field. He died in 1959.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 190,88

Tema: Pintura, Artes Gráficas, Aquarela, Artes e Entretenimento, Artes, Arquitetura Palavras-chave: andrew, loomis

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