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The Successful Drawing

Esta página foi vista 347 vezes desde 07/09/2021

Por: Andrew Loomis

The illustrator Andrew Loomis is revered amongst artists for his mastery of drawing technique and his clean, realist style. His hugely influential series of art instruction books have never been bettered and Successful Drawing, the third in Titan's programme of facsimile editions, returns this classic title to print for the first time in decades. For over 60 years Successful Drawing has provided a superb resource covering all the techniques needed to master three-dimensional drawing. From the fundamentals of proportion, placement, perspective, planes and pattern, through a detailed examination of scale and the effects and capture of light, to the mastery of conception, construction, contour, character and consistency, Successful Drawing is filled with step-by-step instruction, professional tips and beautiful illustration. Engaging, witty, and wonderfully executed, this is a masterclass for amateur artists and professional illustrators alike.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 190,88

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