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What if there is no God?

How to create a new meaning for your life

Por: Victor Luchesi Barlow e Vitor Amicis Mafra Diniz

What if there is no God? How to create a new meaning for your life is an existential journey marked by the deconstruction of ideas and dogmas that we take as true, up to the construction of a new, more critical, precise, and grounded perspective on reality. The purpose of the bookis clear: if God does not exist, how can we understand life, reality, and, mainly, create a meaning without God to guide us?

As a philosophy book, we do not limit ourselves to any specific perspective, be it logical, scientific, or religious. The book presents various perspectives precisely to try to convey to the reader the idea that it is possible to live and see life in multiple different ways, and that only the individual person can determine what is the right philosophy for themselves.

The book has been written with the most accessible and simple language possible, because we believe that philosophy should bring deep ideas, but in a way that is accessible to the general population.

Selos de reconhecimento

R$ 68,49

Tema: Filosofia / Religião, Ateísmo, Agnosticismo, Religião, Filosofia, Ciência Palavras-chave: atheism, existentialism, faith, god, meaning, morality, nihilism, philosophy, religion


Número de páginas: 439
Edição: 1(2023)
Formato: 16x23 160x230
ISBN: 9786500628173
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Polen

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