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A Moonlight Fable, a short story by H.G. Wells

Por: H.G. Wells

"A Moonlight Fable" is a short story written by H.G. Wells, a renowned British author known for his science fiction and speculative fiction works. The story was first published in 1903 as part of his collection titled "The Country of the Blind and Other Stories."

In "A Moonlight Fable," Wells weaves a whimsical and allegorical narrative. The story is set in a tranquil and picturesque countryside, where the moon plays a central role. The moon, personified as a celestial being, observes the activities of a small village and its inhabitants.

As the story unfolds, the moon becomes enamored with the beauty and serenity of the village. However, the moonlight, while enchanting, brings out the darker and more hidden aspects of human nature. The moonlight exposes secrets, desires, and conflicts that remain concealed during the day. This transformation under the moonlight serves as a metaphor for the dual nature of humanity, both light and dark.

"A Moonlight Fable" is a thought-provoking tale that explores the themes of human nature, duality, and the contrast between appearances and reality. It invites readers to reflect on the complexity of human behavior and the influence of external factors on our actions and perceptions.

Wells' storytelling in this fable is characterized by its vivid imagery and allegorical elements, making it a compelling and contemplative work that continues to engage readers interested in exploring the intricacies of human psychology and behavior.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 23,62

Tema: Sagas, Ficção Científica, Aventura, Literatura Estrangeira, Ficção e Romance, Ficção Palavras-chave: fiction, scifi, wells

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