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Identifying and Supporting Children with Autism: A Guide for Mothers

Esta página foi vista 90 vezes desde 29/09/2023

Por: Júlio Cesar

"Identifying and Supporting Children with Autism: A Guide for Mothers":

Expert Knowledge: This eBook offers a wealth of up-to-date knowledge-based information about autism, providing mothers with an in-depth understanding of the condition and best support practices.

Practical Guides: In addition to theory, the eBook presents practical guidance and strategies for facing the challenges of autism, allowing mothers to take concrete steps to help their children.

Real Stories: With stories from mothers and families who have faced and overcome the challenges of autism, the eBook offers inspiration and hope, showing that it is possible to thrive on this journey.

Self-Care and Mutual Support: The eBook not only addresses supporting children with autism, but also emphasizes the importance of self-care and mutual support between mothers, providing a comprehensive guide to the autism journey.

Ebook (PDF)
R$ 32,65

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