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Without Love, there is no Cure!

51 Pins to restore my marriage


The olive tree is a tree that has the ability to renew itself over time. She is known for her longevity and resistance, being able to live for centuries. An interesting characteristic of olive trees is their ability to regrow from the trunk and branches, even after being pruned or damaged. This renewal process is particularly important in olive production, as it allows the tree to continue producing high-quality fruit.

Without Love, there is no Cure: 51 Pins to restore my marriage.

The human heart is a complex web of emotions, desires and deep longings. At its core, one of the most powerful and universal feelings is love. Love transcends cultural, linguistic and temporal barriers, connecting human souls in mysterious and profound ways. In this chapter, we will explore the idea that love is the source of unparalleled joy in the human experience. Throughout the pages that follow, we will delve into the nuances of love, examining how it lifts us, completes us, and enriches us. We will uncover the essence of this captivating feeling and, in doing so, we hope to discover the secrets of the pleasure and happiness that love brings us. Get ready for an emotional journey that will take us to explore the beauty and depth of love, revealing why it is, without a doubt, one of the most precious sources of joy in our lives.

Love is a source of joy and can contribute to people’s lives in several significant ways

R$ 49,90

Ebook (epub)
R$ 27,01

Tema: Resolução De Conflitos, Casamento, Amor E Romance, Relacionamento Conjugal, Ficção e Romance, Família E Relacionamentos Palavras-chave: #51pins, #love, #mymarriage., #thereisnocure, #torestore, #without


Número de páginas: 236
Edição: 1(2023)
Formato: A5 148x210
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

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