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Resin Crafts DIY Beginner Projects

Esta página foi vista 69 vezes desde 14/12/2023

Por: Jideon F Marques


Although resin crafting may seem intimidating at first, it is a craft you will certainly fall in love with because of the endless possibilities it offers; there are so many things you can create, especially when you incorporate natural elements. Whether you want to transform your bridal bouquet into a sentimental piece of home décor to cherish forever, add natural charm to a piece of custom jewelry, or create one-of-a-kind gift-worthy pieces, you’ll find what you’re looking for in this book. Working with resin is not limited to just embedding pieces from nature, either; many artists and crafters like to experiment with adding colors and pigments, as well as other inclusions, to the resin to achieve different effects.

This book focuses on creating high-gloss, clear resin castings and coatings the first time around with basic supplies and without the need for expensive equipment. Once you learn the basics of working with clear resin, the process is essentially the same for every project. Resin crafting can be enjoyed by the whole family; although it is not recommended for children, they can still take part in the designing and planning process, as well as in gathering organic components during your next nature walk.

The projects in this book are beginner to intermediate level, but they are also meant to inspire you to build on your own creativity, skills, and artistic vision. The book shares all the tools and fundamentals you’ll need for working with clear resin and teaches you step by step how to create unique pieces by adding natural elements to give each piece a timeless beauty.

I hope you enjoy learning to love resin as much as I do; I can’t wait to see what you create!

Ebook (epub)
R$ 74,47

Tema: Técnicas, Escultura, Artes e Entretenimento, Artes Palavras-chave: beginner, crafts, diy, projects, resin

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