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"A Winter amid the Ice and Other Thrilling Stories" by Jules Verne

Por: Jules Verne

"A Winter amid the Ice and Other Thrilling Stories" by Jules Verne is a collection of captivating tales that transport readers to the far reaches of the Earth and beyond. Through Verne's vivid storytelling, readers embark on thrilling adventures, encountering the mysteries of the icy Arctic and other exotic locales. The narratives are woven with elements of science fiction and exploration, showcasing Verne's imaginative prowess and his ability to blend adventure with scientific curiosity. From perilous journeys across frozen landscapes to encounters with strange phenomena, the stories in this collection promise an enthralling exploration of the unknown and the extraordinary.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 24,75

Tema: Ficção Científica, Fantasia, Aventura, Literatura Estrangeira, Jovens e Adolescentes, Ficção Palavras-chave: adventure, julesverne, sciencefiction

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