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"Five Weeks in a Balloon", an early adventure novel by Jules Verne

Por: Jules Verne

"Five Weeks in a Balloon" is an early adventure novel by Jules Verne, published in 1863. The story follows the expedition of Dr. Samuel Fergusson and his companions, Dick Kennedy and Joe Wilson, as they embark on a daring journey across Africa in a hydrogen balloon. Their goal is to explore and chart the largely uncharted regions of the African continent. As they traverse diverse landscapes, encounter various cultures, and face natural obstacles and hostile adversaries, the adventurers rely on their wit, scientific knowledge, and teamwork to navigate through the challenges. Verne's novel is a thrilling and imaginative tale that combines elements of adventure, exploration, and scientific curiosity, capturing the excitement and perils of a pioneering aerial expedition during the 19th century.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 24,75

Tema: Ficção Científica, Clássicos, Aventura, Literatura Estrangeira, Jovens e Adolescentes, Ficção Palavras-chave: balloon, fiction, julesverne, mafraeditions, scifi

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