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"From the Earth to the Moon", a science fiction novel by Jules Verne

Por: Jules Verne

"From the Earth to the Moon" is a science fiction novel by Jules Verne, published in 1865. The story revolves around the Baltimore Gun Club, a society of artillery enthusiasts, who conceive the ambitious idea of launching a projectile to the Moon using a giant cannon. Led by the president of the club, Impey Barbicane, and with the help of the French inventor Michel Ardan, the group works tirelessly to construct a colossal cannon named the Columbiad. The novel delves into the scientific and engineering challenges faced in planning this lunar voyage, as well as the personal dynamics among the characters involved in the project. Verne's narrative combines elements of scientific speculation, adventure, and exploration as the characters embark on this groundbreaking mission, capturing the imagination of readers with its visionary depiction of space travel long before it became a reality.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 24,75

Tema: Ficção Científica, Clássicos, Aventura, Literatura Estrangeira, Jovens e Adolescentes, Ficção Palavras-chave: fiction, julesverne, mafraeditions, moon, scifi

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