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Art and Science of the Wars in the Modern Age (1453-1774)

A historical simulation

Por: André Geraque Kiffer

Generally speaking, I consider that this Age of human history characterizes a watershed, as at the end most contacts - or clashes - between the existing civilizations on the planet had been made, beginning with the following: The Revolution (from 1775) was the great movement of accommodation (reinforcement of colonization) or self-affirmation (independence) of the various nations. And then, in my opinion, a great imbalance that even today, even with the existence of the United Nations (UN), disturbs the self-sustained development of the world's populations. In the historical simulation I will start from a hypothesis, namely, that geography is associated with history in the representation of the will of peoples with similar customs and interests, to unite and seek to remain so. However, to do so, I will move forward in time beyond the present and select how many and which would be the Great Civilizations that will survive on this planet, just before we finally return to being one great Human Civilization. And then apply this selection to a Political & Strategic board game. In an attempt to make this study more scientific and more playful, I will adapt Sid Meier's board game “Civilization: A New Dawn”.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 22,49

Tema: Geografia E Historia, Games E Rpg, Ciências Humanas E Sociais Palavras-chave: art, author., games., history., of, science, title., war, war.

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