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War in Colonial Brazil, 1554 to 1567

A historical simulation

Por: André Geraque Kiffer

The Tamoios Confederation or Tamoios War (comes from the Tupi word tamyîa or tamuîa, which means “ancestors”) took place between 1554 and 1567. In the 16th century, the Tupinambás occupied the coast of Brazil between Bertioga and Cabo Frio. In addition to them and the Portuguese, the conflict also involved French colonists and other native peoples (Tupiniquins, Guaianás, Aimorés and Temiminós). These ethnic groups were located along the Paraíba valley and Guanabara Bay. In the development of this simulation of a “War in colonial Brazil” I will use an adaptation – expanding the war to all of Brazil – of the board game “França Antártica”, by Riachuelo Games, which explores the French colonization in southern Brazil. I will develop the story on four boards, one strategic, based on a map by the French navigator Jean Parmentier, published in Venice in 1556; two operational, also French, detailing Antarctic and Equinoctial France; and a tactical one, simulating a colonial village and/or fort and its surroundings.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 22,49

Tema: Geografia E Historia, Games E Rpg, Ciências Humanas E Sociais Palavras-chave: art, author., games., history., of, science, title., war, war.

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