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Battles of the Guararapes, 1648 and 1649

A historical simulation

Por: André Geraque Kiffer

After the defeat of the Invincible Armada in 1588, there was a huge expansion of Dutch maritime trade, with the Dutch extending their attacks to Spanish maritime domains. The Guararapes battles were fought on April 18 and 19, 1648 and then on February 19, 1649, between the Army of the Netherlands and the troops of the Portuguese Empire. The battles took place at Montes dos Guararapes, located in the current Jaboatão dos Guararapes, a municipality in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, in the then Captaincy of Pernambuco. In the battle simulation, I will try to correct the failures presented in the historical analysis, testing improvements in the maneuvers. And then we will prove which maneuver will prevail, both being instructed with the best and maximum effort.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 22,49

Tema: Geografia E Historia, Games E Rpg, Ciências Humanas E Sociais Palavras-chave: art, author., games., history., of, science, title., war, war.

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