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Bridge to innovation

How to develop an entrepreneurial ecosystem

Por: Daniel Leipnitz

A guide to creating innovation ecosystems with an entrepreneurial profile. By presenting the 32 vectors that have made Florianópolis one of the most competitive environments for business development in the areas of technology and innovation in Brazil, this book offers an efficient roadmap for public managers and innovation managers of large companies, as well as for entrepreneurs and investors, both national and international.

In planning the book, the authors invited various actors and protagonists from different parts of the Florianópolis innovation ecosystem, who are references in their fields of activity, to produce articles on specific themes, having in mind how each of these vectors was developed in Florianópolis, what challenges are placed for the future, and how to further develop these vectors. The articles have been organized into chapters based on the following pillars: Government, Education and Training, Investments, Management, Infrastructure, People, Relationships, Integration, Business and Social.

Daniel Leipnitz and Rodrigo Lóssio, enthusiasts and protagonists of the successful trajectory of the innovation ecosystem in Florianópolis, have created a comprehensive, unprecedented work that aims to strengthen and expand the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in the country.

Selos de reconhecimento

R$ 79,99

Tema: Engenharia Da Computação, Ciência Da Computação, Alfabetização Digital, Não Ficção, Informática, Administração Palavras-chave: ecosystem, entrepreneurship, innovation, networking, technology


Número de páginas: 492
Edição: 1(2024)
Formato: 16x23 160x230
ISBN: 9786587893112
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 90g

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