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City Lights Symphony

A Poetic Exploration of Urban Energy

Por: Socialuser

"City Lights" is a collection of visually evocative and surreal poems that capture the vibrant essence of urban life. Through imaginative and impressionistic verse, the poetry explores the bustling energy of city streets, illuminated by neon signs and the glow of streetlights. From the chaotic symphony of car horns to the whispered conversations atop rooftops, these poems delve into the hidden stories and dreams that unfold amidst the city's constant motion. Each poem in this collection reflects the interplay of light and shadow, showcasing the unique allure and complexity of the urban landscape.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 26,99

Tema: Inspiracional & Religioso, Poesia, Entretenimento, Artes e Entretenimento Palavras-chave: caffeinated, chaotic, city, cityscape, energy, hues, labyrinth, light, midnight, neon, reflections, signs, skyscrapers, streetlights, streets, symphony, urban

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