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This story should be read for all the people that are tired of this world, people that look for something new and don’t understand that this is already reachable – JC.

You are worth it! It is the story of a young man from the 21st century, filled with adventures and some tragedies that encouraged him to a great awakening. Young, didn’t have any limits to live the dreams that the “system “placed in his life, that leads the earth and that rotten the souls of the weak and frustrates the plans of the wise. That insist in guiding the human being to two points, BEING and HAVING, this means, you are worth for the world if what you ARE is what you HAVE, out of this, it’s impossible “eat at its table”

Lander Fleury decided not to wait that the luck placed him, in these two points, he made his own destiny. Courage for that wasn’t lacking inside of him, this same courage, was confronted to know a new way. And when he allowed himself into it, this young man was surprised by someone that loved him so much, that even died for him, not for what he would become or have but for his existence, just for existing.

From that encounter on, he found out that life is not just a passage, based on what the system gives us but in the love that is manifested through a simple hug or in simple act of stopping to hear an afflict soul and say: “YOU ARE WORTH IT”

Selos de reconhecimento

R$ 43,00

Tema: Biografia e Testemunho, Diversos Palavras-chave: life, love, new, up, wake


Número de páginas: 155
Edição: 1(2014)
Formato: A5 148x210
ISBN: 978-1-4507-5859-8
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

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