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Collection of Scientific Papers on Brazilian Law Volume 2

Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure, Human Rights, Advocacy

Por: Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Neto

In this second volume, present articles differentiated, with the aim to carry to the reader scientific articles published in periódics and of weight to the operators of the Right, but, also, of weight to the citizen. This that by signal has to know the laws of his Country, and compreênde-the to end to do cost his right.

The reality is only. The village that desconoce the laws of his country, leaving them in the hands of representatives will be slave of the invisible currents of the power.

In one of the present articles will perceive that the existent democracy, and the power of popular participation is of this side of the that expects of a country like the Brazil, of tamaña greatness and wealth.

At last, it subtracts in the say that we find us in a democracy aristocrata. It does not exist independence between the powers, but yes a game of appearances and suitabilities. Good reading!

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Ebook (epub)
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Tema: Didáticos, Direito Palavras-chave: advocacy, civil, constitutional, criminal, human, law, procedure, rights


Número de páginas: 192
Edição: 1(2018)
Formato: A5 148x210
ISBN: 9781976803925
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

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