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Moonlit soul

Soul howling soul traveling Diving in The blue Flying without Stop

Por: luz de Miel

= I have experienced so many landscapes, so many sighs and sprays. So many beaches and islands, so much flowery jungle of palm trees with springs, waterfalls, rivers and streams. But the longing for lontania continued, my dreamy safe haven. I finally got to live in Rio de Janeiro where Copacabana is the top of the world, where the calm sea or giant waves I enjoy much more than in other places. Finally my restless soul rests. My ecstatic flight continues in a calm circle and my howling is no more of brokenness but of full enjoyment.

= God is a being, and every creature is also a being from the mineral, vegetable or animal world. This teaches us animism. Of the great part is the energy or vital force.

= Deep down being is always the same, what changes is personality for better or for worse, or maybe it's just a phase, a cycle.

= Be as majestic as the mountain and as deep as the sea.

So many things reconcile me with life. The contemplation of the constellations, the shooting star, the light, the full moon, the shades of dawn, the milky way, the sunset, the sound waves of the sea, the serene lake, silent listening to the song of the brook, Feel the tenderness of the butterflies, the hummingbirds, the fireflies,

R$ 54,32

Ebook (PDF)
R$ 27,01

Tema: Filosofia, Natureza, Religião Palavras-chave: moonlit, soul


Número de páginas: 338
Edição: 1(2018)
Formato: A5 148x210
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

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