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War, Warburg and the World War I press photos

The press photography collection of World War I in the Warburg Archive: report of a research

Por: Leão Serva

This book is a new study on an unknown collection of war photos of the WW1 found in the Warburg Institute Archive in London. The photos were gathered by Aby Warburg (1866-1929), years before his famous unfinished work “Mnemosyne Atlas of Images”. The collection was found in the Warburg Archive in 2004 and has been little studied since then. With the support of Capes (Agency of the Brazilian Ministry of Education), the author carried out research on the photos and produced a catalogue of the collection. Based on this work, he clearly identified Warburg’s participation in the composition of the collection, from beginning to end, ruling out the hypothesis that the late German iconologist had no relation with the set of images.

Selos de reconhecimento

Ebook (epub)
R$ 89,17

Tema: Fotografia, Geografia E Historia, Não Ficção, Alemanha, Antigo, Fotojornalismo Palavras-chave: 1ª, coleção, fotojornalismo, guerra, mundial, warburg
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