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Esta página foi vista 341 vezes desde 01/07/2020

If you succumb to The Power of Aphrodite at work, be prepared for big risks!

Por: João José da Costa

Aphrodite were a Goddess of Mythology; she surely is the most powerful deity on Earth. And to her power, no man resists and many of them do real crazy things for her. Her power was never overcome Aphrodite herself. Aphrodite is the Goddess of love, body beauty and sex in mythology, with extraordinary powers of sensuality, fertility, love, beauty, attraction, and lust, exerting a strong influence on people's sexual development and pleasure and total power over men. Aphrodite was a Goddess of Greek mythology with an overwhelming character. She had several gods and mortals as lovers and is represented as an attractive and voluptuous woman. The Goddess Aphrodite gave all women the power of attraction and seduction of men. And for all women, Aphrodite gave this power in an incredibly special way, making it an ‘irresistible trap’ for men, especially in the workplace. Since the early days of human civilization, The Power of Aphrodite has proven to be one of the most powerful on the face of the Earth. For her, kings, companies´ presidents, businessmen, politicians, powerful men, celebrities in the arts and sports and the most common of mortals lose their heads, their freedom, fight wars, compromise their careers, break marital ties, and even sacrifice their lives. And, in the work environment, this truth is strongly present and, not infrequently, interrupts successful careers and causes serious organizational and labor relations problems. Discover a series of situations based on real events that demonstrate how categorized employees of companies, in particular, gave in to this irresistible power, what its consequences were for the organizations and problems they had to face. Stay alert! Sooner or later, you too may be tempted and succumb to The Power of Aphrodite at work! This could be fatal for your career and your family. However, if you are unable to resist, do so with an awareness of the potential pleasures and problems that lie ahead. In the final part of the book you will find a test to know your degree of worship to the Power of Aphrodite.

R$ 47,93

Ebook (PDF)
R$ 27,01

Tema: Administração, Família E Relacionamentos, Humor Palavras-chave: amorosas, aventuras, relações, riscos., trabalhistas


Número de páginas: 176
Edição: 1(2020)
Formato: A5 148x210
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 90g

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