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In the Bible there are several judgments of God that happened and who follow happening, others still happen in the future. There are individual and collective judgments, so we'll dissect the biblical texts to interpret them and put them in order of time, for the last judgment of God is the most important, is the Last Judgment. The certainty that one day God will judge everyone, and give to each according to his works, is part of the empirical and intimate knowledge of all men, so in many world religions belief in a Judgment its part of their creeds. After billions of years after the Last Judgment, if any rational creature in the universe, angels, men and other beings who do not know, think again incite another rebellion as Lucifer, and as the disobedience of Adam and Eve, they will see that the result It will be terrible. The fear of punishment is a brake for the sinful and criminal impulses. In the human sphere, many countries adopt to life imprisonment as a way to inhibit people to commit heinous crimes. The Gehenna will also have this feature to discourage further uprisings throughout eternity. God assured us free will, but not impunity!

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R$ 49,31

Ebook (epub)
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Tema: Teologia, Escatologia, Doutrinas Bíblicas Palavras-chave: damnation, end, eternal, hell, judgment, last, scatology, the, world


Número de páginas: 133
Edição: 3(2021)
Formato: A5 148x210
ISBN: 978-15-336-5735-0
Tipo de papel: Offset 90g

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