"Before Adam" captivating novel by Jack London

Por Jack London

Código do livro: 661765


Fantasia, Clássicos, Aventura, Literatura Estrangeira, Ficção e Romance, Ficção

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"Before Adam" is a captivating novel written by Jack London, which transports readers to the prehistoric world through the eyes of a young boy named Big-Tooth. Set in the Pleistocene era, the story follows Big-Tooth as he navigates the harsh realities of survival in a primitive society governed by instinct and brute strength.

Narrated as a series of vivid dreams experienced by the protagonist, the novel offers a compelling glimpse into the evolutionary journey of early humans. Through Big-Tooth's adventures, readers witness the struggles for dominance, the quest for fire, and the primal instincts that drive every aspect of life in a world teeming with prehistoric creatures.

As Big-Tooth grapples with his place in this unforgiving environment, he encounters love, friendship, and betrayal, all while seeking to understand the mysteries of the world around him. Through his experiences, readers gain insight into the origins of human consciousness, language, and social dynamics, as well as the timeless themes of survival, adaptation, and the pursuit of knowledge.

"Before Adam" stands as a testament to Jack London's prowess as a storyteller, blending elements of adventure, anthropology, and speculative fiction to create a mesmerizing tale that resonates with readers across generations. With its rich imagery, evocative prose, and thought-provoking themes, the novel invites readers to embark on a journey of discovery into the distant past, where the roots of humanity lie waiting to be unearthed.


Número de páginas 0
Edição 1 (2024)
Idioma Inglês

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Jack London

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