Healthy Cooking for Diabetics

Por Jideon Marques

Código do livro: 616472


Saúde E Cura, Doenças, Saúde E Fitness, Culinária

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If you have been diagnosed with diabetes—or someone close to you has—it can be particularly upsetting. However, major advances in our understanding of this condition and in its treatment and management mean that today “everything is possible” in life, even if you are diabetic. While it is important to keep a careful watch on your food intake—especially for people with type 1 diabetes and others who need to use insulin—there truly is still a whole world of delicious food out there for you to enjoy.

In recent years, health professionals have realized that it is not necessary for diabetics to eat as restricted a diet as once thought, nor is it necessary for them to forego eating the same meals as the rest of their family and friends. The diet suitable for the majority of diabetics is one that everyone can enjoy—a healthy, nutritious diet with no food groups excluded and with no obscure, hard-to-find ingredients. The diabetic diet is, in fact, a great way to eat for anyone who values their health—and their taste buds! Just a glance through these pages will give you a taste of the fantastic recipes that you, your friends, and your family can feast on.


Número de páginas 196
Edição 1 (2023)
Idioma Inglês

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