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Building the Business Brain

Esta página foi vista 28 vezes desde 27/04/2024

Develop the right mindset to transiton from Employee

Por: Chris Helder.

There are a lot of employees who are longing to be their own boss, yet

are fearsome of what the future may hold if they were business

owners. I would like to advise that if you're among those individuals,

you'd do well to become a great employee first! I spent a lot of years

as an employee and was constantly found to be a model employee.

My entrepreneur bosses constantly gave me high evaluations. In

going over the list of employee mentalities, I can frankly tell you that I

didn’t have those mentalities. I was a great employee!

If you have a want to be on your own one day, going after your

dreams as an entrepreneur, you are able to begin now. Approach your

occupation as though you owned the company where you work.

Ebook (PDF)
R$ 25,88

Tema: Motivacional, Empreendedorismo, E Commerce, Economia, Autoajuda Palavras-chave: autoajuda, empreendedorismo, negóçios

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