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Esta página foi vista 441 vezes desde 05/09/2016


Por: Ane Moreno

Of all the digital marketing strategies that your company can use to boost your business, be on Facebook is one of the most important.

However, using Facebook as a business is different from using it for personal purposes. Understand that there is this difference is fundamental, and if you want to start a digital marketing strategy within Facebook, there are some steps that need to be completed and followed some tips.

It turns out that while most of the population is on Facebook, most companies also. So how playing this hearing.with companies that are developing marketing on Facebook so long?

To answer this question, the results prepared that Digital eBook for you who want to start your marketing strategy on Facebook and start reaping the first results.

Basically, I believe that deliver relevant content to the right person is what we must do to be successful in the campaigns. But what is this relevant content and that right person? Well, that's what we see throughout the eBook.

You identified with this opportunity? Check out the following pages the first steps of starting from scratch your presence on Facebook.

Introduction to Marketing on Facebook

How your business can start with Marketing on Facebook?

Even if you already have a profile on Facebook, learn to use the network for your business is very different than using it personally.

It all starts already in the way you take your business to Facebook. Unlike the personal side, you do not create a profile, but a page. Using a page for your company gives you a lot more alternatives than personal profiles, and a possibility of far-reaching.

Create a Facebook page is a fairly simple process. Simply access the link http://www.facebook.com/ pages / create and choose what type of page you want to create. Facebook provides several options such as:

• Local business or place • Company, organization or institution • Brand or product • Artist, band or public figure • Entertainment • Cause or community

Each of these options has very specific subcategories for your business is very clear for those who visit your page. After choosing which segment belongs your page, you will reach the next step.

R$ 151,32

Ebook (epub)
R$ 134,37

Tema: Autoajuda, Entretenimento, Não Ficção, Crescimento Pessoal, Criatividade Palavras-chave: facebook, marketing


Número de páginas: 41
Edição: 1(2016)
Formato: A4 210x297
Coloração: Preto e branco
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

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