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The Solitude and the Harmony

Por: Flávio Gomes da Silva Lisboa

HE IS COMING. And his followers grow more and more. No one can resist your touch. Wherever he passes, the noise of diversity gives way to the silence of unity. Equality seems to be a reality for those who have abandoned all their wants and desires to live under the leadership of the One Who is All.

But not everyone wants to live in this large community where the collective goal is the only thing that matters. To preserve their individual voices, some men send a messenger to seek out the one opponent of the One.

Between the messenger and that opponent there is a man, or something like a man. They call him Emperor, although his empire is not known. He finds himself between the fear of establishing unity and the hope of preserving freedom. Can this creature help prevent THE ONE?

Selos de reconhecimento

R$ 43,73

Ebook (PDF)
R$ 21,36

Tema: Ficção, Ficção e Romance, Realismo Fantástico, Aventura, Ficção Científica, Romance Palavras-chave: adventure, fantastic, fiction, realism, romance, science


Número de páginas: 224
Edição: 1(2020)
Formato: A5 148x210
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

Livros com menos de 70 páginas são grampeados; livros com 70 ou mais páginas tem lombada quadrada; livros com 80 ou mais páginas tem texto na lombada.

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