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Ventia & Vento

The Children of the Moon

Por: Rose Freire

Ventia is Vento's sister. Both are born and raised on the Moon. They have other colors of humans, but their structure is the same, so they are rejected by the society of the city of Vrisluna for being considered ugly and weird..

One day Vento dreamed of a beautiful place, and curious Ventia will try to find out if it exists. In their quest for the world of Vento's dream, Ventia discovered that there is an ancient legend about the "Supremes Dominators" and the two could be such beings, to be sure, they will practice the power of these powerful beings who uses the light of the sun to do amazing things.

They go to the surface of the Moon and try to concentrate to attract the power, after some time they manage to control the strong light and save people they love the most.Later, already being acclaimed with heroes and gods, the Lunos get tired and try to go to the world of blue sky. They both focus and open a portal to Earth and find out more.Read and know more about Ventia and Vento, the children of the moon

R$ 38,19

Tema: Fantasia, Infantil, Ficção Palavras-chave: color, friend, light, moon, power


Número de páginas: 44
Edição: 1(2021)
Formato: A5 148x210
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

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