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The Time Paradox

The Ground Breaking Discovery

Por: Andrey Oldekamp

The story begins in India, with a small group of students led by Professor Rajiv Patel, a PhD in atomic energy and nuclear fusion. They are developing a prototype that simulates a particle collider, and what the computer predicts with it will revolutionize humanity. Among the students is Aisha, a determined and intelligent young scientist, but who often lets her emotions get the best of her.

After years of research and development, Rajiv's group finally manages to create the perfect prototype and attracts the attention of the United States government, who invites them to bring the experiment to the country. They travel to the Arizona desert and begin assembling the 100-kilometer underground particle accelerator that will be used to study the composition of the Earth's core, atom division, and fusion.

The group tirelessly works on the tunnel assembly, and finally, the time comes to test the equipment. Everyone is anxious, and the tension is visible in each of the scientists, including Aisha. As the countdown finishes, a laser beam is fired through the tunnel to collide with its reverse beam, traveling at the speed of light. The collision occurs, and a violent explosion is produced, creating plasma that simulations predicted would have a few seconds of life. However, it doesn't extinguish and expands exponentially, causing a small black hole that starts devouring the Earth, altering the composition of the soil.

The race to evacuate the affected cities is desperate, with the Polish janitor taking a leading role. The Earth begins to disappear rapidly, and the first spaceship with 100,000 people explodes. The second spaceship is built and sent to Saturn, where the first colony is established to accommodate the survivors. In the end, the message is one of hope and perseverance in the face of adversity.

R$ 44,40

Ebook (epub)
R$ 23,62

Tema: Gravidade, Ficção Científica, Ficção e Romance, Ficção, Ciência Palavras-chave: machine, paradox, spaceship, time, travel, wormhole


Número de páginas: 109
Edição: 1(2023)
Formato: A5 148x210
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

Livros com menos de 70 páginas são grampeados; livros com 70 ou mais páginas tem lombada quadrada; livros com 80 ou mais páginas tem texto na lombada.

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