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Por: Paulo Byron

For a long time as a teacher, I came across students' difficulties

in the architecture of preparing mathematical questions. In view of

this, I decided to investigate the negotiations of thisEntrevero and,

after extensive study and analysis,he was It was found that students

needed a greater foundation in the mathematical foundations that

are taught in the period of education prior to higher education.

However, the range of content to be passed on to the student

must be presented in an objective and simplified way so that they

can master the content in a short period of time and know how to use

it during their more in-depth learning.

I believe that the work will meet the needs of higher education

students, but will also serve as a contribution to high school students

who wish to improve their knowledge, whether for use in entrance

exams, higher education and even in professional activities.

Finally, I am immensely grateful to my students who guided me

on this path of improvement in the teaching process and were crucial

to the publication of this work.

Selos de reconhecimento

R$ 58,36

Ebook (epub)
R$ 38,31

Tema: Engenharia E Tecnologia, Educação, Didáticos Palavras-chave: calculus, math, mathematic


Número de páginas: 38
Edição: 1(2023)
Formato: A5 148x210
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

Livros com menos de 70 páginas são grampeados; livros com 70 ou mais páginas tem lombada quadrada; livros com 80 ou mais páginas tem texto na lombada.

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