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The Ayurvedic Path to Energy, Clarity, Well-Being and a Healing Cleanse

Esta página foi vista 81 vezes desde 23/11/2023

Por: Jideon F Marques

Most cleanses promise everything from clear skin, to zero belly fat, to nirvana. But one thing missing from many of these empty promises is true nourishment. Derived from Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga and an ancient medicine from India, The Simple, Healing Cleanse is an informational guide to a traditional, accessible four-week cleanse that will help you build more body awareness and consciousness around food.

With 50 basic, cleansing recipes and meal-planning tips, this cleanse is easy even for the busiest bee with a minimal amount of time to spend in the kitchen. You'll learn how to incorporate the concept of your Ayurvedic type (dosha) to build a foundation for healthy, life-long dietary choices, bring balance to the body and mind, and cultivate vibrant health. The Simple, Healing Cleanse will help you find simple ways to give your digestive system a break, to simplify your diet without crazy, unhealthy restrictions, and simply find lightness, clarity, and ease in a scattered, noisy world.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 168,27

Tema: Saúde E Cura, Cura, Culinária, Corpo, Mente E Espírito Palavras-chave: a, and, ayurvedic, clarity, cleanse, energy, healing, path, the, to, well-being

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