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Feng Shui Magic and Rituals for Love, Happiness and Success

Esta página foi vista 87 vezes desde 01/12/2023

Por: Jideon Marques

Prosperity magic can be generated with a gem tree.

But what about magic that enables people to create a better life for themselves — a lifestyle of comfort, wealth, happiness, and good fortune - by manipulating spatial and time energy patterns? Think of this “magic” as energy, life force or chi that mutates and transforms, creating extraordinary changes both within individuals and in the environment around them. Imagine being able to capture, store, accumulate, and manipulate this chi into powerful, luminous energy that illuminates and improves every aspect of life. The magic that makes this happen — Feng Shui magic — is part of a wider system of Taoist practice, which I like to call “the science of the sages.” Whilst the philosophical underpinnings of the Tao can sometimes seem lofty or profound, the techniques of Feng Shui are very specific and easier to apply.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 77,86

Tema: Limpeza E Cuidados, Faça Você Mesmo, Religião, Casa E Lar, Batalha Espiritual Palavras-chave: and, feng, for, happiness, love, magic, rituals, shui, success

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