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Workout Programs for Fitness

Esta página foi vista 63 vezes desde 15/12/2023

Bodyweight Suspension Training

Por: Jideon F Marques

A step-by-step guide to using TRX, Lifeline, and other suspension training equipment to get a toned and muscular body both in the gym and at home.

All you need to develop long, strong muscles and a fit, slender physique is this comprehensive guide and your suspended bodyweight trainer. Forget bulky machines and heavy weights—these functional training workouts will unleash the full potential of any suspended bodyweight training system. You will simultaneously tone and shape your entire body for:

Washboard Abs

Carved Back

Sculpted Shoulders

Chiseled Chest

Ripped Arms

Firm Glutes

Powerful Legs

Packed with hundreds of step-by-step photos, clearly explained exercises and progressive training programs for all levels of fitness, this book will revolutionize your workout by teaching you how to maximize the benefits of this cutting-edge approach to total-body fitness.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 77,86

Tema: Ginástica, Exercícios, Saúde E Fitness, Esportes E Lazer Palavras-chave: bodyweight, fitness, for, programs, suspension, training, workout

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