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Application of 5S in Beverage Industry Company

Por: Edenilson Brandl

Welcome to the book "Application of 5S in Beverage Industry Company". In this book, we will explore a powerful and highly effective method of business improvement that has the potential to transform the way companies operate, optimize their processes, and achieve exceptional levels of efficiency and quality. The 5S method, which originated in Japan, is much more than a simple acronym; It is a philosophy that encapsulates the pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement in all aspects of the business.

In this journey, we will examine how the five fundamental pillars of 5S - Seiri (Sense of Use), Seiton (Sense of Organization), Seiso (Sense of Cleanliness), Seiketsu (Sense of Standardization) and Shitsuke (Sense of Discipline) - can be applied in a practical and strategic way within the context of a beverage industry. Our goal is to offer you, dear reader, a comprehensive guide that will take you from the basic principles of 5S to its advanced application in various aspects of business management.

In each chapter, we'll dive into specific topics ranging from supply management to quality management, production, commercial and more. Furthermore, we will explore real cases of companies that have adopted 5S as an essential part of their corporate culture, illustrating the tangible and intangible benefits that can be achieved through this approach.

Throughout the book, you will find practical tips, real-world examples, and tested strategies for successfully implementing 5S. We will also address common challenges that may arise during this process and provide insights into how to overcome them.

This book is not intended to be just a theoretical guide, but rather a practical manual for those who wish to explore the terrain of operational excellence and drive their companies towards lasting success. We hope that the information presented here inspires action, generates discussion and, above all, catalyzes the positive transformation of organizations.

The journey towards excellence begins with the desire to improve and the courage to embrace change. We invite you to embark on this journey with us, exploring the principles of 5S and discovering how they can take your company to new heights of success.

May this book be a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration for all leaders, managers and professionals who seek to achieve business excellence through the application of 5S.

R$ 140,12

Tema: Metas E Objetivos, Liderança, Educação / Administração, Educação, Desenvolvimento Humano, Administração Palavras-chave: 5s, benchmarking, beverage, continuous, control, cost, efficiency, engagement, improvement, industry, management, operational, production, professional, quality, reduction, training


Número de páginas: 623
Edição: 1(2023)
Formato: A5 148x210
Coloração: Preto e branco
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 75g

Livros com menos de 70 páginas são grampeados; livros com 70 ou mais páginas tem lombada quadrada; livros com 80 ou mais páginas tem texto na lombada.

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