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Lose up to ten kilos in two weeks with the Greek diet

Esta página foi vista 62 vezes desde 27/12/2023

Por: Jideon F Marques

The Greek Diet combines classic Mediterranean ingredients like olive oil, yogurt, and honey in delicious, healthy recipes that satisfy the soul and the palete. New research shows that the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest food plan in the world, and is especially noted for its positive effects on heart health. With The Greek Diet, you eat to enjoy yourself, just like the ancient Greek gods. There is no starving, no long, grueling hours at the gym, and no restrictive plans eliminating carbs, dairy, caffeine, or alcohol.

Structured around the 12 food pillars of the traditional Greek diet, The Greek Diet includes 100 healthy, authentic, sensual Greek recipes that use delicious unprocessed ingredients, as well as tips for incorporating easy exercises and improved sleep—both metabolism boosters—into your Greek lifestyle. Sprinkled throughout the book are charming and insightful anecdotes from the authors that add flavor and fun. There are also several different meal plans to personalize your journey and help you lose the weight you need while enjoying the foods you love, including a kick-start plan to shed pounds quickly and safely and jumpstart your journey to a slimmer, healthier, happier you.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 77,86

Tema: Perda De Peso, Dietas, Saúde E Fitness, Culinária Palavras-chave: 10, 10kg, 2, 24, 5, a, belly, best, days, diet, diets, easy, egg, fast, fat, how, i, in, kilos, lbs, lose, loss, lost, military, pan, plan, pounds, similar, the, to, two, week, weeks, weight, with

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