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Elements that Make Up the Periodic Table

Esta página foi vista 59 vezes desde 03/01/2024

The book explores the elements of the periodic table and the story of their discovery and how they revolutionized our lives

Por: Jideon F Marques

Welcome to a captivating journey through the enigmatic world of the periodic table! In this immersive exploration, we embark on an awe-inspiring odyssey delving into the heart of matter and unlocking the secrets of the building blocks that compose our universe.

"The Periodic Table: Discover Incredible Elements that Make Up Everything! (Science Stories)" is an illuminating expedition that uncovers the mesmerizing tales behind each element, from the familiar stalwarts like hydrogen and oxygen to the lesser-known but equally fascinating components that contribute to the tapestry of existence.

Through this book, prepare to be enthralled by the narratives of discovery, the struggles of scientific pioneers, and the extraordinary characteristics that define these elements. Whether you're a seasoned chemist, an inquisitive student, or simply a curious soul intrigued by the wonders of the natural world, this volume is your gateway to comprehending the profound significance of the elements in shaping the world around us.

Join us as we unravel the intricate web of elements that form the bedrock of our reality, each chapter a testament to the remarkable stories embedded within the periodic table. This book is an ode to the marvels of science and a celebration of the remarkable elements that constitute the very essence of our cosmos. Get ready to embark on an enthralling voyage through the periodic table—where science meets storytelling, and discovery intertwines with wonder.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 38,31

Tema: Ciências Humanas E Sociais, Ciências Exatas, Ciência Palavras-chave: (invention), and, elements, heaviest, how, make, many, name, new, of, on, periodic, song, symbol, table, the, their, to, trends

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