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Fluency in English How to unlock your full potential in speaking English

Esta página foi vista 72 vezes desde 15/01/2024

For beginners and advanced

Por: Jideon F Marques

This book is essential for you to break through and not only improving your spoken skills, but developing them so well that you can speak like a native English speaker.Armed with the proven tips, tricks and techniques in this book, you’ll discover that you’ll be soaring to an entirely new and exciting level of learning within days. On top of that, these guidelines can be used nearly effortlessly.Proven Technique That WorksYou’ll discover what “shadowing” is and how it can painlessly take you to a supreme status in your studies. You’ll also learn about a related method of learning to pronounce English fearlessly. It’s called the “scriptorium method.” Once you try it you’ll realize why so many people praise its effectiveness.English is not an easy language to learn. But if you are using proper methods to learn and speak, you’ll find that your next level of learning is just a click away. Learn and adopt these techniques, tips, and many more secrets revealed in this book, and your English fluency will be in a whole different level in 60 days !Remember: Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.Download Now and Start Speaking Fluent English!

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Ebook (epub)
R$ 34,92

Tema: Inglês Como Segunda Língua, Didáticos, Cursos E Idiomas Palavras-chave: become, english, fluency, fluent, fluently, get, how, improve, in, learn, my, practice, pronunciation, skills, speak, speaking, to, unlock, your

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