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Naval Battle of Actium, September 2nd, 31 BC

An Eastern Roman historical simulation

Por: André Geraque Kiffer

Actium is a milestone in naval history as it was the last opportunity for two major fleets to battle each other, testing the state of the art on naval tactics and techniques developed in the last centuries since Lade in 494 BC. Lepanto in the year 1571 AD, then marking the transition from stabbing (ramming) and throwing (siege machines) to firearms (gunpowder metal projection). Drawing on the technical features of having heavier ships rigged with masts and sails, Antonius and Cleopatra's fleet could have sailed into Agmen (column) to a safe distance that left the enemy in doubt as to their battle order, and at the last possible moment formed a large Orbis (yes, a square similar to the tactical terrestrial formation, but without spaces inside) and like a ruptured ram ahead and then sailed towards Egypt - with hoisted sails - like a large convoy.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 22,49

Tema: Geografia E Historia, Games E Rpg, Ciências Humanas E Sociais Palavras-chave: art, author., games., history., of, science, title., war, war.

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