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Creative fruit pies, chocolate, desserts and brunch

Esta página foi vista 44 vezes desde 22/02/2024

Por: Jideon F Marques

The recipes in this book range from the quick and easy to the more time-consuming and elaborate. Some were created within those quiet hours of mindful baking where I would have sudden ideas and flashes of inspiration; others are more nostalgic – My Mother’s Carrot Cake, my Nana’s Bread and Butter Pudding and my interpretation of that wonderful Italian wedding cake (see here). If time is short, most of the longer recipes can be broken down into stages, the Charlotte Royale and Delizie al Limone being fine examples. Pastry cases (shells) can also be made in advance, ready to be filled and topped closer to the time you want to serve them. It is often the case for me to do so, juggling daily life and children, visiting my mum and working means that I don’t often have hours at any one time to concentrate on one thing alone. I often make a batch of pastry first thing in the morning, go through the rolling, resting and baking stages throughout the day when I get a spare 20 minutes here and there – then on to the filling and decorating in the evening when all is quiet and the day’s stresses have eased. Being relaxed and being able to enjoy what you are doing will without doubt lead to a better result.

What is important, is to make these bakes your own, use these decorations as inspiration, as a starting point, but do go on to create your own patterns or finishes. It can be quite surprising what can appear in front of you when your creative side takes over! Be spontaneous, be unique, be authentic, be proud of what you are making and most importantly, bake with love in your heart.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 50,00

Tema: Pratos, Métodos, Faça Você Mesmo, Culinária, Casa E Lar Palavras-chave: &, apple, blueberry, cheese, cream, crust, dough, easy, flaky, fried, fruit, hand, homemade, how, make, pie, pies, recipe, recipes, to

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