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God exists, when I was fifteen I met him, that was in 1985, at the end of that year I was taken up to the heavens in a vigil on the tannery hill in São Vicente, in the Japui neighborhood, I spent about an hour and a half in the heavens before God. But this was my particular experience, we have the duty to believe in God not because we see him, but because we can see the signs he left us in nature, so that no one will be justified claiming that they had no way of knowing God. Nature reveals the existence of God and this book is another in my endless collection called: WONDERS OF GOD.

The Almighty left his signature throughout creation, in which we can recognize that the entire universe is the result of a single intelligence. It is necessary to interpret a painting, so that we can understand what the artist wanted to convey to us. When we see humans and compare them to other creatures, we can see that they are an outlier. This stark difference between men and other living beings is described in the Bible as a consequence of the divine purpose in making man more than a living being or an animal, no, no! God wanted to create a creature on Earth that was capable of copying the Creator, inventing things, tools, equipment, vehicles and that is why the Bible describes man as the image and likeness of God.

Selos de reconhecimento

R$ 50,30

Ebook (epub)
R$ 27,01

Tema: Mamíferos, Ecologia, Natureza, Ciências Biológicas Palavras-chave: biology, creationism, evolution, god, nature, theory


Número de páginas: 130
Edição: 1(2024)
Formato: A5 148x210
ISBN: 9798320419770
Acabamento: Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel: Offset 90g

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