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The Awakening of Life

101 Self-Help Tips

Por: Gabriel Moraes

Master Your Time: The Awakening of Life" is a comprehensive guide that dives deep into the universe of personal organization and productivity. Exploring a wide range of techniques, from prioritization to automation, the book offers useful insights for anyone looking to optimize their time and achieve their goals more effectively. Through practical advice such as “Timeboxing” and “Eisenhower Matrix”, readers will learn to identify priorities, manage tasks and stay focused on the activities that really matter. Furthermore, the book presents reflections on civilization, such as Richard Oliveira's "Concept of Time", which challenges readers to rethink their relationship with time as a measure of energy and focus. With an accessible approach and full of real-world examples, "Master Your Time" empowers readers to take control of their schedules and live more balanced, productive lives.

Ebook (PDF)
R$ 32,55

Tema: Motivacional, Desenvolvimento Profissional, Desenvolvimento Humano, Autoajuda Palavras-chave: development, education, personal, self-help

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