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A Symphony of Hearts

A Melodic Journey through Love and Romance

Por: Socialuser

Embark on a lyrical journey through the depths of love and romance with 'Harmony of Hearts: A Melodic Collection of Poetry.' This enchanting ebook invites readers to explore the intricacies of human emotion, expressed through the timeless art of poetry. From the tender embrace of affection to the fiery passion of desire, each poem within this collection resonates with the universal themes of love, longing, and connection. Whether you're seeking solace in the beauty of verse or celebrating the joys of companionship, 'Harmony of Hearts' offers a poetic sanctuary for the heart and soul.

Ebook (epub)
R$ 27,00

Tema: Inspiracional & Religioso, Conceitual, Coleções, Catálogos, Exposições, Poesia, Artes e Entretenimento, Artes Palavras-chave: affection, desire, gestures, love, magic, melody, passion, poetry, romance, timeless

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