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Naked Truth

Por: Safih Quelbert

This is an updated version of the previous book "The Art of My Classy Nude Unveiled - from same author

Bying this art you"ll help this story to be known, reaching as many hands as it's possible, and thus, encouraging other women to believe that it's possible turn around and be reborn, no matter how difficult our personal challenges shall be.

As an immersive piece, the artistic chronicling of her experiences and personal journey is fascinating and emotive.

The poignancy of this work and the way in which some difficult subjects are tackled here, allow for a compelling read.

The personable writing style and the honesty with which she detail her experiences makes this piece accessible to a wide audience of readers, resonating especially with women seeking their own journey of recognizing their natural beauty and identity, which was lost long time ago.

To the male standpoint, with the pictures also shown in this book, they will certainly appreciate on a deeper level, the real woman beauty.

Ultimately, this is an inspiring, intriguing, absorbing, and empowering piece, very well-written with striking photographs throughout.

Selos de reconhecimento

R$ 267,07

Tema: Fotografia Individual, Ensaios Fotográficos, Artista Individual, Fotografia, Biografia e Testemunho, Artes Palavras-chave: 50, after, afterlife, and, artist, b&w, beauty, black, boudoir, celtic, drama, dream, energy, erotic, female, great, hapiness, histories, karma, kundalini, life, lights, literature, love, manifest, mediumship, mythology, norse, paintings, photographers, photography, psychic, quelbert, real, reincarnation, safih, self, sensual, sexuality, shadows, skill, steem, story, sucess, testimonial, whitch, white, women, your


Número de páginas: 391
Edição: 1(2023)
Formato: 16x23 160x230
ISBN: 9781387631636
Coloração: Colorido
Acabamento: Capa dura
Tipo de papel: Couche 150g

Livros com menos de 70 páginas são grampeados; livros com 70 ou mais páginas tem lombada quadrada; livros com 80 ou mais páginas tem texto na lombada.

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